Digital footprint what is it Part 2 ?- Families First Law Firm

  What turns up when someone searches you? Footprint, whether at school or away from school, whether talking to friends, family, or school staff, what you say, becomes a part of your online profile. If it is digital (even if it is private) it is possible that your words, images, and videos will become a…

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Getting a Divorce? Here Is What Lawyers Think You Should Know

Holidays tend to have more people deciding to divorce than any other time of the year.  The holidays make people miserable and New Years resolutions make it easy to decide to put the terrible part of your life behind you.  Many people won’t file until the spring when they get their tax returns, but there…

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Stay Off Social Media (Or Risk Divorce), New Survey Says

  Want to keep your “in a relationship” or “married” status on Facebook? You might want to log off Facebook.  Almost a quarter of those polled by the law firm Slater and Gordon said they had at least one argument a week related to social media use, with 17 percent admitting they fought about it…

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